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Friday, 24 April 2020

ဥာဏ္စမ္းေလးေတြ ေျဖၾကည့္ၾကပါစို႔

Riddle 1:
What is greater than God,
(a) more evil than the devil,
(b) the poor have it,
(c) the rich need it,
(d) and if you eat it, you’ll die?

Riddle 2:
Which month do people sleep the least amount?

Riddle 3:
What has a tail, a head, and no body?

Riddle 4:
What gets wetter (စိုစွတ်) the more it dries?

Riddle 5:
Danielle works at a butcher’s shop and wears size 7 shoes. She’s 5 feet and 6 inches tall. What does she weigh?

Riddle 6:
There’s one word in the dictionary that is spelled incorrectly. Which word is spelled incorrectly?

Riddle 7:
How many of the months have 28 days?

Riddle 8
What grows when it eats and dies when it drinks?






• Answer 1: Nothing
• Answer 2: February (It’s the shortest month)
• Answer 3: A coin
• Answer 4: A towel
• Answer 5: Meat
• Answer 6: Incorrectly
• Answer 7: All of them
• Answer 8: Fire.

Read times Last modified on Friday, 24 April 2020 11:28
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